Earthstar has a new specification powered by Willow.
Earthstar v11 is now in beta.


Run a server

In this tutorial you will run and configure an Earthstar server capable of syncing with other peers.

Table of contents


A basic knowledge of JavaScript, servers, and using the terminal are needed for this tutorial.

We will run the server we write in this tutorial with the Deno runtime. Installation instructions can be found here.

You will also need a text editor and a terminal to execute commands in.

Starting the server

Open up the server.ts file you created with your text editor, and enter the following:

import * as Earthstar from "";

new Earthstar.Server([]);

Now in your terminal, run the following command:

deno run -A server.ts

In your console, you will see the following text:

Your Earthstar server is running.

We have a running Earthstar server which doesn't do anything useful yet. Stop the process running the server.

Adding shares to our server

import * as Earthstar from "";

new Earthstar.Server([
new Earthstar.ExtensionKnownShares({
knownSharesPath: "./known_shares.json",
onCreateReplica: (address) => {
console.log(`Creating replica for ${address}...`);
return new Earthstar.Replica({
driver: new Earthstar.ReplicaDriverFs(address, "./data"),
deno run -A server.ts

You will see the following text:

Your replica server is running.
Creating replica for +apples.btqswluholq6on2ci5mck66uzkmumb5uszgvqimtshff2f6zy5etq...
Creating replica for +bananas.bjhk5etxeg2g5ig655c55uig4f36zgbxwsly7pqjbztt3sldn4vxq...
Creating replica for +gardening.bhyux4opeug2ieqcy36exrf4qymc56adwll4zeazm42oamxtr7heq...

Our server is now hosting data for these shares, but cannot be synced with yet.

Making our server syncable

We will now make it so that the server can be synced with via HTTP.

Add the following to server.ts:

import * as Earthstar from "";

new Earthstar.Server([
	new Earthstar.ExtensionKnownShares({
		knownSharesPath: "./known_shares.json",
		onCreateReplica: (address) => {
			console.log(`Creating replica for ${address}...`);

			return new Earthstar.Replica({
				driver: new Earthstar.ReplicaDriverFs(address, "./data"),
new Earthstar.ExtensionSyncWeb(),

We will also write a small script to test syncing with the server.

Create a new file name sync_test.ts:

import * as Earthstar from "";


const SHARE_SECRET = "buaqth6jr5wkksnhdlpfi64cqcnjzfx3r6cssnfqdvitjmfygsk3q";

const authorKeypair = await Earthstar.Crypto.generateAuthorKeypair("suzy");

if (Earthstar.isErr(authorKeypair)) {

const replica = new Earthstar.Replica({
	driver: new Earthstar.ReplicaDriverMemory(SHARE_TO_SYNC),
	shareSecret: SHARE_SECRET,

await replica.set(authorKeypair, {
	path: "/test",
	text: "Hello.",

const peer = new Earthstar.Peer();


const syncer = peer.sync("http://localhost:8000");

await syncer.isDone();

console.log("Successfully synced with server.");

Now in your console, run the following command to start the server:

deno run -A server.ts

And the following command to run our test server:

deno run -A sync_test.ts

Which will output the following:

Successfully synced with server.

The server will also output something like this:

Client 340429: started sync
Client 340429: completed sync
Client 340429: removed


We've configured and run our own Earthstar server and tested its syncing capabilities with a script.

Further exercises

Connecting it to the tutorial app

Can you configure the chat app created in the chat app tutorial to sync with your server? You will need to configure both to use the same share. The server does not need to know the share secret to replicate data with other peers.

Deploying the server

Naturally we will want to deploy our server to a machine with a publicly reachable IP address. Your server will need to be able to run deno run -A server.ts, and then expose the server's default port of 8000.

Below is an example Dockerfile which will work with the server created in this tutorial:

FROM denoland/deno:1.29.1



RUN mkdir /app/data/
VOLUME [ "/app/data" ]

COPY server.ts ./server.ts
COPY known_shares.json ./known_shares.json

USER deno

CMD ["run", "--allow-all", "server.ts"]